Coolley Art Collection, 22 Bishopsgate London
ASC Gallery, London SE17, May 2022
Patience et Fulgurance
La Galérie Valérie Eymeric, Lyon, France, installation April 2022
Health and the Climate and Ecological Emergency Exhibition, August- October 2021
Delighted to have 3 works in this exhibition this summer. I’ve taken the following text from their website:
Our way of life, including the provision of healthcare, is harming the planetary life support systems that we rely on. Radical change is needed. We will increasingly need to adapt to managing physical and mental illnesses caused by ecological degradation while also reducing our environmental footprint and trying to prevent any further damage.
Does this challenge provide an opportunity to tackle inequalities and build healthier, more resilient communities? Can we address the issues of intergenerational and global injustice that are raised by current levels of consumerism and use of resources? What vision of the future do we hold? Can we find ways of living which protect both the planet and our health?
Our response to this crisis may vary: from measured expressions of hope through to feelings of despair. Art is one way of articulating and processing these feelings and of sharing envisaged solutions.
Gallery M2, Peckham, London SE15
Very excited to be planning a show in this great space in Peckham in May/June 2022. It’s the kind of space that demands something a bit special so luckily I have some planning and thinking time
Towards Stillness
Temporal Drawing Symposium, 24 March 2021, 11am
The recording from is available on the DRN: Vimeo:
I am delighted to have been invited to talk about my work at this symposium, organised by the Drawing Research Group, Loughborough University. Tickets are free and available on Eventbrite,
The Drawing Research Network Temporal Drawing Events have been organised by staff and PhD researchers from the Drawing Research Group at Loughborough University, chaired by Deborah Harty. The series of events aim to explore the notion of temporal drawing. By temporal drawing we suggest that temporality is not only inherent in drawing, both as process and as a product, but also as its fundamental condition. Speakers for each of the events have been selected to offer differing perspectives of themes emerging in response to the call for papers around the notion of temporal drawing.